Are you wondering if there are any changes or improvements you could adopt on your ecommerce website that might be worth doing prior to the sound of reindeer hooves on the roof and the Christmas shopping rush of orders?

Below, we have comprised a nice list of things to consider as the festive season approaches that even Mrs Claus would approve of…

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  • Coordinate marketing efforts so your website, social media and any email campaigns or PPC ads are all aligned. It would be good to start this immediately following Halloween.
  • Consider creating a gift guide landing page as a showcase to draw people to products that make good gifts which can then be promoted on social channels, email footers, etc. Remember to offer free shipping AND returns up until the latest possible date even if prices need to be adjusted to absorb the postage costs.
  • Bundling popular items together works well, increasing the perceived value of items. Think about what goes well with each of your top ten selling products. Adding related products on the checkout page is also a good idea…Amazon does this very well.
  • Putting a list of text links on key pages for the most searched for or bestselling products will make it easier for potential customers to find what they don’t know they are looking for.
  • It could be good to incorporate Black Friday/Cyber Monday (23rd & 26th Nov 2018) to bring attention to the Christmas marketing campaign. Perhaps offer a coupon which is valid for the rest of the year or add a free stocking filler product. This should be reflected on the homepage banners, category pages, blogs, social media graphics, etc
  • Do yo offer any bespoke packaging for Christmas orders or is there any new or special products that can be offered  for Christmas? Christmas Gift Cards might be good.  Think about advertising the cut-off date for last purchases for different delivery regions.
  • Perhaps you could spread the festive spirit by partnering with a charity and donating a percentage of every sale or a certain amount (e.g. £1) to be donated for every product purchased in December.
  • What about after Christmas? What about a Santa Forgot to Get Me This flash sale with a discount before New Year and don’t forget to target Christmas buyers again in the January sales.
  • Email marketing can be extremely effective at Christmas. This could be done weekly as a countdown to the last shipping date with all the offers and perhaps a few exclusive special incentives.
  • Have you considered adding a live chat feature to the site to increase customer service and convert queries into sales?


BONUS – Remember not everyone celebrates Christmas so perhaps add a banner link on the site to your regular non-Christmas related products and pages with a message that says something along the lines of “Looking for our Santa Free Zone?”

Get in touch if you would like the Engine Room Technology elves to add any of these ideas to your website for your festive marketing.

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